365365体育在线投注与教育机构达成协议,以方便合格的大学生无缝转移到365365体育在线投注获得护理学学士学位(BSN). Click here to view the transfer equivalency guides for collaborative institutions.

Central College

中央学院与365365体育在线投注之间的合作协议促进了合格学生的无缝转移 Central College 学生到365365体育在线投注获得护理学学士学位(BSN). Through the program, 学生在中央学院完成通识教育要求,并有机会在中央学院获得学士学位. 该计划确保合格的中央学院学生进入365365体育在线投注BSN学位课程的加速选项. 有关该计划的信息可从两所学院的招生办公室获得.

Drake University

德雷克大学和365365体育在线投注之间的合作协议促进了合格学生的无缝转移 Drake University 学生到365365体育在线投注获得护理学学士学位(BSN). Through the program, 学生在德雷克大学完成通识教育要求,也有机会在德雷克大学获得学士学位. 该计划确保合格的德雷克大学学生进入加速选项. 有关该计划的信息可从两所学院的招生办公室获得.

Hawkeye Community College

The affiliation agreement between Hawkeye Community College and Allen College facilitates seamless transfer of students to Allen College. In addition, students in the Dental Hygiene 课程可以无缝地开始健康科学学士学位(BHS)与公共卫生专业. 申请其他365365体育在线投注课程的学生也可以在HCC完成部分或全部的通识教育课程. Communication with admissions, administration, faculty and staff from each college is ongoing to better serve students. Many student services can prove to be mutually beneficial.

Indian Hills Community College

印度山社区学院和365365体育在线投注之间的合作协议促进了合格的印度山社区学院学生无缝转移到365365体育在线投注,以获得医学实验室科学专业的健康科学学士学位(BHS). Through the program, students complete the requirements for the MLT program at Indian Hills Community College and then transfer to the Allen College Medical Lab Scientist (MLS) program. 有关该计划的信息可从两所学院的招生办公室获得.

Iowa Lakes Community College

An affiliation agreement between Iowa Lakes Community College and Allen College facilitates seamless transfer of students to Allen College. 申请其他365365体育在线投注课程的学生也可以在ILCC完成部分或全部的通识教育课程.  Communication with admissions, administration, faculty and staff from each college is ongoing to better serve students.

Loras College

An affiliation agreement between Loras College365365体育在线投注促进合格的洛拉斯学院的学生无缝转移到365365体育在线投注获得护理学学士学位(BSN). Through the program, 学生在洛拉斯学院完成通识教育要求,也有机会在洛拉斯学院获得生物学学士学位。该计划确保合格的洛拉斯学院学生进入365365体育在线投注BSN学位课程的加速或传统选择. 有关该计划的信息可从两所学院的招生办公室获得.

Northeast Iowa Community College
An affiliation agreement between Northeast Iowa Community College and Allen College facilitates the seamless transfer of students to Allen College. 寻求进入其他365365体育在线投注课程的学生也可以在NICC完成部分或全部通识教育课程. Communication with admissions, administration, faculty and staff from each college is ongoing to better serve students.
Northwest Iowa Community College

An affiliation agreement between Northwest Iowa Community College and Allen College facilitates seamless transfer of students to Allen College. 寻求进入其他365365体育在线投注课程的学生也可以在NWICC完成部分或全部通识教育课程. Communication with admissions, administration, faculty and staff from each college is ongoing to better serve students.

Simpson College

An affiliation agreement between Simpson College365365体育在线投注促进合格的辛普森学院学生无缝转移到365365体育在线投注获得护理学学士学位(BSN)学位. Through the program, 学生在辛普森学院完成通识教育要求,也有机会在辛普森学院获得文学学士学位. 该计划确保合格的辛普森学院学生进入加速选项或365365体育在线投注BSN学位课程的传统选项. 有关该计划的信息可从两所学院的招生办公室获得.

Southeastern Community College

An affiliation agreement between Southeastern Community College and Allen College facilitates seamless transfer of students to Allen College. 申请其他365365体育在线投注课程的学生也可以在东南社区学院完成部分或全部的通识教育课程. Communication with admissions, administration, faculty and staff from each college is ongoing to better serve students.

Southwestern Community College
An affiliation agreement between Southwestern Community College and Allen College facilitates seamless transfer of students to Allen College. 申请其他365365体育在线投注课程的学生也可以在东南社区学院完成部分或全部的通识教育课程. Communication with admissions, administration, faculty and staff from each college is ongoing to better serve students.
University of Northern Iowa
An agreement of cooperation between Allen College and the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) facilitates the education of Allen College students. 在365365体育在线投注攻读学位课程的学生可以在UNI学习课程,以满足365365体育在线投注的部分或全部通识教育要求. 在UNI学习和提供的课程被365365体育在线投注接受为转学分.
Upper Iowa University

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Agreement

An affiliation agreement between Upper Iowa University365365体育在线投注促进符合条件的上爱荷华大学学生无缝转移到365365体育在线投注,以获得 Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree. Through the program, 学生在上爱荷华大学完成通识教育要求,也有机会在上爱荷华大学获得理学学士学位. 该计划确保合格的上爱荷华大学的学生进入365365体育在线投注的BSN学位课程的加速选项. 有关该计划的信息可从两所学院的招生办公室获得.

Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Agreement

An affiliation agreement between Upper Iowa University 和365365体育在线投注促进符合条件的上爱荷华大学学生无缝转移到365365体育在线投注,以获得 Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (MS in OT) degree. Through the undergraduate program at UIU, 学生在上爱荷华大学完成先决条件要求,并保证每年秋季最多录取三名合格的UIU学生. 有关该计划的信息可从两所学院的招生办公室获得.

Wartburg College

An affiliation agreement between Wartburg College365365体育在线投注促进符合条件的瓦特堡学院学生无缝转移到365365体育在线投注获得护理学学士学位(BSN). Through the program, 学生在沃特堡学院完成通识教育要求,也有机会在沃特堡学院获得生物学文学学士学位. 该计划确保合格的瓦尔特堡学院学生进入加速选项或365365体育在线投注BSN学位课程的传统选项. 有关该计划的信息可从两所学院的招生办公室获得.